Life Hacks 4 -> U & ME

Dr. Lakmal Rupasinghe
7 min readJul 19, 2023

“In an era where the velocity of life is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, it can often feel like we’re constantly struggling to keep up. From our personal lives to our professional endeavours, we are always on the lookout for ways to streamline tasks, maximize efficiency, and add value to our daily routines. This is where the magic of ‘life hacks’ comes into play.

Life hacks are simple, yet innovative solutions designed to manage our time and resources more efficiently. These ingenious shortcuts and tips enable us to tackle the complexities of life in the most efficient and effective way possible. They offer us the freedom to take a step back from the seemingly overwhelming and appreciate the profound beauty in simplicity.

At their core, life hacks serve as powerful tools that have the potential to revolutionize our everyday lives. They help to convert ordinary into extraordinary, monotony into excitement, and the complex into simple. By leveraging these unique strategies, we can not only enhance our productivity but also improve our mental wellbeing, leading to a more balanced, content, and enriched life.

From clever storage ideas to time-saving cooking techniques, from productive work-from-home tips to stress-busting exercise hacks, life hacks infiltrate every facet of our existence, offering practical solutions to our day-to-day problems. But their true value lies not just in the immediate convenience they provide but also in the long-term habits they help to foster. Implementing life hacks prompts us to think outside the box, encourages constant learning, and instills an enduring sense of adaptability.

This blog post seeks to dive deep into the world of life hacks, exploring their value and transformative power. We will explore a variety of life hacks that have the potential to not only streamline your daily routine but also bring a profound change in your lifestyle, one hack at a time. So, buckle up, and prepare to experience the extraordinary within the ordinary, as we unravel the fascinating world of life hacks together.”

Life Hack 1:

In the ebb and flow of daily life, we often fail to appreciate the remarkable moments that weave the tapestry of our personal narrative. It could be a simple compliment from a coworker, a surprise rain shower during a walk, a kind gesture from a stranger, or even a unique idea that just popped into your head. These moments, though they may seem insignificant at the time, carry the power to inspire, motivate, and bring joy. This brings us to our first life hack: chronicle your ‘story worthy’ moments every day.

By writing down these special moments, you create a treasure trove of positive experiences and ideas that can serve several purposes.

Inspiration & Motivation: On a day when you’re feeling low or uninspired, leafing through your collection of ‘story worthy’ moments can serve as a powerful reminder of all the positive experiences you’ve had, and all the possibilities that lie ahead. It can fuel motivation and push you forward.

Creativity Booster: These snippets of daily life can also serve as a rich source of inspiration for creative pursuits. Writers, artists, musicians, and even entrepreneurs might find a spark in these recorded moments that could ignite a new piece of work or venture.

Perspective & Gratitude: By focusing on these ‘story worthy’ moments, we train our minds to seek out the positive amidst the mundane. This not only brings a shift in our perspective, but also fosters a deeper sense of gratitude for the life we’re living.

Mental Wellbeing: Writing can be therapeutic. By penning down these moments, we engage in a form of self-reflection, which contributes to better mental health and emotional clarity.

For example, imagine you’re a writer and you had a conversation with your grandfather about his youth. His tales, perspective, and experiences could become a ‘story worthy’ moment, potentially leading to a powerful story or character in your next book. Or perhaps you noticed a barista skillfully managing a rush hour all alone, showing resilience and determination. This ‘story worthy’ moment could remind you of your own strength in challenging situations.

In essence, this life hack is a simple, powerful tool to help capture the fleeting beauty of daily life, fostering creativity, gratitude, and a positive outlook towards life.

a nice video to refer;

Life Hack 2:

Sleep is an integral part of our lives, having a profound impact on our physical health, mental well-being, and overall productivity. However, many of us struggle to get a quality night’s sleep due to various lifestyle habits and environmental factors. This is where our second life hack, the “3/2/1 Rule,” comes into play.

The 3/2/1 Rule is a straightforward yet impactful guideline designed to prepare your body and mind for a restful and rejuvenating sleep. Here’s how it works:

3 Hours Before Bed — No Food: Eating close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep. Your body needs to focus on rest, not digestion. Having your last meal three hours before bed allows your body to digest the food, promoting a more comfortable and uninterrupted sleep.

2 Hours Before Bed — No Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks are stimulants that can keep you awake and disrupt your natural sleep patterns. Cutting off caffeine intake two hours before sleep helps ensure that its stimulating effects have worn off by the time you hit the bed.

1 Hour Before Bed — No Screens: Electronic devices such as laptops, TVs, tablets, and mobile phones emit blue light, which can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Turning off these screens one hour before bed allows your body to properly prepare for sleep.

By following the 3/2/1 rule, you are setting a sleep-friendly routine that aids in relaxing your mind and body, fostering a deeper and more restful sleep. It might seem challenging initially, but once you’ve formed the habit, the difference in your sleep quality — and by extension, your waking life — can be significantly noticeable. A good night’s sleep can lead to improved focus, better mood, higher energy levels, and overall healthier living, making this life hack a game-changer in your everyday routine.

Life Hack 3:

I love this. it's all about consistency.

Goal setting is one of the fundamental aspects of personal and professional success. However, realizing these goals demands more than just determination; it requires consistent focus and systematic effort. This brings us to our third life hack, the “90/90/1 Rule.”

The 90/90/1 rule is a powerful strategy for achieving your goals developed by leadership expert Robin Sharma. The rule states: For the next 90 days, dedicate the first 90 minutes of your working day to the one most important goal you have. This could be a professional objective like completing a major project, or a personal ambition like writing a book or mastering a new skill.

Here’s why this rule is so impactful:

Focus: By dedicating the first 90 minutes of your day to your primary goal, you’re placing it at the forefront of your mind and actions. This concentrated focus can significantly increase your productivity and the quality of your work.

No Excuses: By doing this activity first thing in your working day, you ensure that no other tasks, distractions or excuses can stand in the way of your dedicated goal time.

Consistency: Committing to this practice for 90 days helps solidify it as a habit. As we know, habits are the building blocks of lasting change. Over time, this sustained effort can lead to substantial progress towards your goal, and often, its eventual completion.

For example, if you’re a writer working on a novel, you would dedicate the first 90 minutes of your day to pure writing. No emails, no social media, no meetings — just you and your craft. This allows you to dive deep into your work with fresh energy and a clear mind.

Implementing the 90/90/1 rule can be transformative. It’s a testament to the power of focused effort and a consistent routine. By following this rule, you’re not only moving steadily towards your goal, but you’re also cultivating a powerful habit of prioritized and focused work, which can have far-reaching benefits in all aspects of life.

We’ll meet in part 2.

For original reference:



Dr. Lakmal Rupasinghe

Cyber Security Researcher | Digital Nomad | Machine Learning Enthusiast Youtube: Udemy Course: